The Silo
Hotel / cazenove+loyd
Expectations are high for the opening of Cape Town’s newest hotel jewel, The Silo. The latest addition to founder Liz Biden’s, The Royal Portfolio, this mega project is set to be an impressive realisation of what was a lifelong dream.
And as this is what dreams are made of, the space could not be in a more magical setting towering above the city’s stunning V&A Waterfront sitting directly above what will become the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (MOCAA).

Initially the building was not as glamorous as the blue prints portray. Previously a grain silo, designer Thomas Heatherwick transformed the concrete building in order to firstly create the museum. Hollowing out exhibition space, he then later recreated six rows of seven silos shaping the way for Liz Biden’s interior mark.
The exterior will display the hotel’s signature pillowed window bays that gently bulge outwards whilst sleek, chic neutral colours compliment eclectically decorated interior. Contemporary design together with spectacular views that look out to Table Mountain, Robben Island, Devil’s Peak and the ocean make The Silo a highly anticipated cosmopolitan haven.